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Lab Course Teaching Concept

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About this Document

This document describes a teaching concept that was developed in university teaching. Its goal is to support teachers to use the algobattle-tool as well as related software for their own teaching. The focus is here on the teaching aspect. For an explanation of the technical requirements as well as a manual, please consult the technical documentation.

Who is this Software Made for?

The algobattle-tool has been developed since 2019 by the Theory Group of RWTH Aachen University for use in a software programming lab course in a bachelor of computer science. Although this is reflected in the collection of pre-made problems, nothing speaks against using this tool in other study courses of late high-school teaching.

The project is thus targeted at teachers, for whom we want to ease the work to establish a competitive teaching experience. The extremely modular nature of the project allows to either cover a wide range of different topics or to focus on a specific topic.

What do I have to Know about Licensing?

The complete software and associated documentation are published under a free MIT-license, if not stated otherwise. You can thus use, modify, extend or use them, even in a commercial context, without asking for permission. We would however appreciate it if you would reference us as a source if you do.

How Many Students Can the Lab Course Accommodate?

We recommend splitting up your students into groups; from our experience groups of six students work best. There then can be an arbitrary number of such groups. Do mind of course, that with an increase in students, the supervisory effort increases as well. With two teaching assistants we were able to manage 18 students over the course of a semester, requiring not more than two work days in total per week.


Basic Idea

The Algorithmic Battle, in its original form, had the aim of providing students a practical way to engage with commonly theoretical results from their lectures. In computer science, complexity theory is an important element: It tells us that for many problems we should not expect to find algorithms that are fast, correct and universal at the same time.

This often neglects the fact that such problems do in fact need to be solved and indeed do get solved in practice. Especially due to the boom of so-called MIP-solvers such as Gurobi, CPLEX and others, practical optimization problems are solved and often very fast.

This observation is based on seeing a problem as a collection of all possible instances: For some problems, there are cores that consist of subsets of such instances. On the other hand, many other subsets do admit solutions that are very easy to find and these seem to correlate with practical instances.

Teaching Goals

The focus of the lab course lies in letting the students take both perspectives of a solving process. They should learn to answer two questions:

  • What are "hard instances" of a problem?
  • How do I write algorithms that are fast and correct most of the time?

This means that students should both write code for a generator for the creation of hard instances (given an instance size), as well as a solver, that takes an instance as an argument and should output a good solution within a given time limit.

Every generator of a team is then matched against the solver of another team. In the classical setting, the question is then up to which instance size the solver of one team is able to still solve the instances generated by the other team. The scoring is then done by how much better the winning team is than the other: The highest instance size for which an instance of one team still could be solved is compared to that of the other, and points are awarded according to this ratio. To maximize this relative distance of scores, it is thus important on the one hand to write a generator that outputs hard instances, in order to ensure that the other teams solver fails early. On the other hand, it is just as important to also write a strong solver, as not to fail early on instances that should not be so hard to solve.

We see it as particularly encouraging that we do not give any limitations on external software used by the students (as long as they do not result in legal issues.) Since all student software is deployed in docker containers and since one is not artificially held back in real life either, the students are actively encouraged to research their given problem, related publications and software to use in their code. There are only very few limitations that we actively enforce:

  • Only use software if the license allows you to do so
  • No plotting with or spying out other teams
  • Do not exploit our framework software (see also Bug Bounties)

We let the students develop their code in a version control system to which we have full observer rights. The students should coordinate their coding process and organize themselves, be it by simply talking, creating issues or creating branches and pull requests. By having a full view of the commit history, one can already see during the duration of the lab course whether individual persons do not contribute substantially, allowing you to interfere early.

We additionally demand a full documentation of the development process. Every researched idea and every implementation, even if only attempted, is to be documented. For this to work, we let every person of a team be responsible for the coordination of the documentation once during the semester. Every other person of the team then has the responsibility to report to the documenting person what they have done. The coordinating person thus does not have the responsibility to nag their team members: Those who do not report their progress will not be part of the documentation and are thus assumed not to have contributed anything until proven otherwise.

Sample Structure of a Semester

We next describe the structure of a typical semester-long lab course at RWTH Aachen University. This structure of of course not in any way binding, but resulted in very positive feedback by the students over the past years.

Every semester starts the same. Shortly before or right at the start of the lecture period, we host a kick-off meeting in which we inform the students about the format and structure of the lab course. We next find a regular time-slot in the week for the weekly meeting and assign the students into groups of six. We have a focus on putting at most subgroups of three students that already are a peer group into one team, to lower the risk of exclusive behavior.

The first task that we use as a primer is always the same, namely the pairsum task, which can be found in the algobattle-problems repository. The achieved points in this task do not count towards the global rating, the task is meant to get familiar with the framework, our software and the format of battles. We do however insist on creating a documentation, as described above. As in all subsequent tasks, we start scheduling daily automated battles with the current state of the student's software after a week, to give them feedback on how good or bad their code performs against the code of the other teams.

At the end of this task and every following one, we have a concluding meeting. In this meeting, we ask two randomly chosen students to (freely) present the ideas of their solver and generator to the rest of the students. We expect every student to be informed about their software and the development process, which we try to enforce by this random selection.

We then present the overall results of all battles, talk about possibly collected Bug Bounties and discuss in an open round what the students have learned in the past two weeks. Finally, we present the next task.

The cycle is then always the same: After getting a description of the next problem, we let the groups research and implement for a week. After this week, we meet with every group separately. In this meeting, we discuss their ideas and implementations, as well as possible problems. After this meeting, we schedule daily battles until the final meeting. The first of these battles does not award points to mitigate the consequences of oversights in implementations resulting in crashes.

In a typical semester, there is time for 6-7 tasks of this format (pairsum included.) We recommend sticking to six tasks and to use the remaining time as a buffer for other tasks. This results in less pressure for the students and matches the number of documentations to be created.

Regarding the teaching goals for individual tasks, we roughly follow the following scheme of task types:

  1. pairsum as a warm-up task
  2. A classical, NP-complete problem to encourage research
  3. Problem in P for strong optimizations of data structures and algorithms
  4. Approximation problem with an approximation ratio that should not allow for polynomial algorithms
  5. Non-classical, NP-complete problem to encourage the use of MIP-solvers
  6. Wildcard problem, e.g. strongly limited Memory, problem in FPT,...

After the last task, the lab course ends, coinciding with the end of the lecture period. Afterwards, the grading process starts.

Grading of Students

If you would like to grad the participants of the lab course, we give a few pointers on what you could base this grading on. We already check the following criteria in the middle of the semester, to spot and help individuals that already struggle at this point.

Overall Quality of the Software

This allows for a first impression for grading the group. Central questions are: How much effort was put into the code during the course of the semester? A group that tends to perform bad in battles, but researched and implemented many different approaches should in our opinion not automatically be graded badly.


The person responsible for the documentation is of course reliant on the quality and contents provided by their other group members. It is commonly very clearly visible how much each member contributed during each week. We grade students that exclusively focused on one kind of work during the whole semester, e.g. only implementation or only research, worse than others.


If a student was clearly badly prepared for holding a talk, this results in worse grading. A bad preparation commonly coincides with little participation in the task.


Since this is a software lab, we do not let anyone pass that did not contribute to the implementation work, be it by pair programming or individual contributions. This is easily checkable by the commit history of a group.

Further Uses of the Software

We want to emphasize that the algobattle-tool was written with modularity in mind regarding the nature of tasks and the inner nature of battles. While we as the original authors have a strong bias towards problems of theoretical computer science, nothing speaks against other types of battles and problems.

Other Types of Battles

So far, we have assumed in our description that a generator and solver battle on ever increasing instance sizes, until one of them fails. Points are then awarded on the relative distance between the largest solved instances. This is however only the description of the default battle type, the iterated type.

Another, alternative battle type shipped with the software is the averaged type, in which only instances of a fixed instance size are to be solved a given number of times within a time limit. The points are then awarded based on the average solution quality of a solver.

We encourage you to create your own battle type to model different abstractions of generators and solvers fighting one another.

Other Types of Tasks

In most of our sample tasks, the input and output of generators and solvers are simple json-files containing text. The I/O specification does however allow for arbitrary file- and folder structures to be passed. Thus, other files such as multimedia content in the form of audio or pictures can be specified as the input and output of generators and solvers.


Bug Bounties

We encourage our students to attack and exploit the algobattle-framework as well as the code of the tasks that we provide them. We are interested in inputs that allow students to crash our code, the solver and generators of other teams (independent of the contents of them) or even exploit the framework to gain access to the code of other groups. As mentioned before, we demand these bugs not to be exploited in order to achieve a better standing. We do however award additional points for finding and reporting the bugs in a reproducible manner. Only the first group to find and report a bug is awarded points for it. The number of points is based on the gravity of the bug found.

The big advantage of this approach is to reward the natural curiosity to explore and exploit systems in a constructive way. A positive consequence is that we are then to implement more test cases for the found bugs.

Known Issues During a Lab Course

At some point, students learn that MIP-solvers exist. This is disadvantageous for many problems, as they are rather efficient in practice and do not encourage further research. We thus recommend creating tasks that make MIP-solvers, or other kinds of efficient, general solvers, unattractive. In the case of MIP-solvers it commonly also helps to reduce the amount of available memory, as they often require a lot of it.

Additional Resources

Official Website algobattle-Framework (Github)
Collection of problems for algobattle (Github)
Web-framework for algobattle (Github)
Technical Documentation