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You can configure Algobattle in a lot of different ways, so that it does exactly what you want it to do.

Unsure about TOML syntax?

TOML syntax can be a bit confusing if you're unfamiliar with it, a full explanation of it can be found on the official site.

CLI config

To globally configure how Algobattle behaves you can use the cli config file. Open it by running

algobattle config

It's a TOML document that contains two tables:


This contains general cli config options. Its keys are:

This is the team name used in the project config whenever you initialize a new project. It doesn't need to be the same name you use in the Algobattle website. The default is for Algobattle to dynamically generate a fun team name when you run the command.
If a problem requires some dependencies Algobattle installs them during project initialization. If the mode is user it will do so in user space, if it is normal it will install it globally instead. We recommend you use normal if you're using an environment manager like Conda and user otherwise. In the default setting Algobattle will explicitly ask you to set this the first time it is needed.
generator_language and solver_language
This sets the default language to use in newly initialized projects. You can always override this by passing them explicitly when running the command. Defaults to plain for both.
This table contains default values you would like to use in the project table in project level config files. See the project config documentation for details on what you can specify here. Defaults to only containing a results key set to the results path.

Project config files

These are the files normally called algobattle.toml that live in every Algobattle project folder. They can get quite big and offer a lot of room for customization. It's made up of several tables at keys match, teams, problems, project, and docker:

Relative paths

If any path in this config file is specified it will be interpreted as relative to the config file, not Algobattle's current working directory.


This specifies how each match is run.


Be careful not to accidentally change things in here and then develop your programs to work with those settings. The match run on the Algobattle server will use the settings you got from your course instructors, so your programs might break when making wrong assumptions about the match structure.
The only mandatory key in this table. It must be the name of the problem that is to be used. Either the name of an installed problem, or one imported dynamically. If the latter option is used you need to specify the problem file's location in the problems table.
A timeout used for every program build. If a build does not complete within this limit it will be cancelled and the team whose program it is excluded from the match. Can either be specified as a number which is interpreted as seconds, a string in the HH:MM:SS format, or false to set no limit. Defaults to 10 minutes.
A limit on how big each program may be. Does not limit the memory it can use while running, but rather the disk space used by it after it has been built. Can either be an integer which is interpreted as bytes, or a string with a unit such as 500 MB or 1.3gb, or false to set no limit. Defaults to 4 GB. The Pydantic ByteSize docs contain a full explanation of possible formats.
Programs may run into their timeout after already having generated some output. This setting determines how these cases are handled, if it's set to true exceeding the time limit is considered a completely unsuccessful program execution and is treated similar to if it had crashed completely. If it is false, the program will just be stopped after the allotted time and any solution it may have generated is treated as is. Defaults to false
generator and solver

Both of these fields accept the same type of table. They specify parameters guiding each generator and solver execution respectively.

A limit on the program runtime. Exact behaviour of what happens when it is exceeded depends on the strict_timeouts setting. Can either be a number which is interpreted as seconds, a string in the HH:MM:SS format, or false to set no limit. Defaults to 20 seconds.
Limits the amount of memory space the program has available during execution. Can either be an integer which is interpreted as bytes, a string with a unit such as 500 MB or 1.3gb, or false to set no limit. Defaults to 4 GB. The Pydantic ByteSize docs contain a full explanation of possible formats.
Sets the number of physical CPUs the program can use. Can be any non-zero integer. Defaults to 1.

This is a table containing settings relevant to the battle type the match uses. Valid keys are documented at the battle type page. A single key is shared by all battle types:

This key specifies which battle type to use. Must be the name of a currently installed battle type. Defaults to "Iterated".


This table tells Algobattle where it can find each team's programs. Keys are team names and values table with this structure with both keys being mandatory:

Path to the team's generator.
Path to the team's solver.


Contains data specifying how to dynamically import the problem.


This table is usually filled in by the course administrators, if you're a student you probably won't have to worry about it.

Path to the problem module. Defaults to
A list of PEP 508 conformant dependency specification strings. These will be installed during project initialization to make sure the problem can be run without issue. Defaults to an empty list.


Contains various project settings.

Feel free to customize this

Even though some affect how a match is run they will never change its result. Every student can change these to best fit their development workflow regardless of which ones might be used in the server matches.
An integer specifying the maximum number of points a team can achieve during this match. Defaults to 100.
To speed up battle execution you can let Algobattle run multiple battles in parallel. Note that while programs can not directly interact with each other, they might still end up interfering with other programs that are being run at the same time by attempting to use the same CPU, memory, or disk resources as each other. You can use the set_cpus option to mitigate this problem. Defaults to 1.

Many modern CPUs have different types of physical cores with different performance characteristics. To provide a level playing field it may be good to limit Algobattle to only use certain cores for programs. To do this, specify either a comma separated list of CPUs (the first is numbered 0) such as 0,1,3,5 or a range like 0-4. Note that the formatting is very important here, you can not mix the two styles, add any spaces, or similar. A full format spec can be found on the Docker site.

This option accepts either a single such string, or a list of them. If a list is provided each battle that is run in parallel will use one of the provided set of cores. For example, if this option is ["0,1", "2-3", "4,5"] and there are two battles executed at the same time, the first would use the first two physical CPUs and the second the next two. Defaults to no CPU limitation.

Whether to give the Docker images descriptive names. This is very useful during development, but can lead to security risks in matches between competing teams. Because of this we recommend setting this to true true if you're a student running Algobattle on your own machine, and false in matches on the Algobattle server. Defaults to true.
Whether to remove all Docker images after we're done using them. If set to false your system will be kept a bit tidier, but you will also have much longer build times since images can no longer be cached. Defaults to false.
Path to the folder where result files are saved. Each result file will be a json file with a name containing the command that created it and the current timestamp. Defaults to results
Used to specify how detailed error messages included in the log files should be. Can be set to high, which includes full details and stack traces for any exceptions that occur, or low to hide sensitive data that may leak other team's strategic information.

A table that specifies how each program's output should be logged.

When to save the data. Can be either never, error, or always. When set to never or always it has the expected behaviour, when set to error it will save the data only if an error occurred during the fight. Defaults to error.
Where to store each program's output data. Currently only supports disabled to turn of logging program output or inline to store jsonable data in the match result json file. Defaults to inline.


Contains various advanced Docker settings that are passed through to the Docker daemon without influencing Algobattle itself. You generally should not need to use these settings. If you are running into a problem you cannot solve without them, we recommend first opening an issue on our GitHub to see if we can add this functionality to Algobattle directly.


Many of these settings are very complicated and have potentially disastrous consequences. We recommend not using any of these settings unless you are absolutely sure what the ones you are modifying do. Improper Docker Daemon configuration may not only break Algobattle but can give potential attackers root access to your host machine.

Table containing parameters passed to the docker build command. Further documentation can be found on the Docker build site.
Table containing parameters passed to the docker run command. Further documentation can be found on the Docker run site.

Algobattle subcommands

You can also directly configure many things as command line arguments. Which ones are available depends on the subcommand


This command runs a match using the current project config file.

A positional only argument that specifies where to find the project config file. May either point to a file directly, or to the parent directory of one named algobattle.toml. Defaults to the current working directory.
--ui / --no-ui
Keyword only option that controls whether the match UI is displayed during execution. Defaults to True.
--save / --no-save
Keyword only option that controls whether the match result is saved to disk after it's run. Defaults to True.


This command initializes a project folder.

Path to the folder to create the project data in. When initializing a new problem this defaults to a new subdirectory of the current working directory named after the problem. If you're instead using an existing project config file it defaults to the current directory.
--problem / -p
Specifies the problem to use for this project. Can either be missing to use an already existing project config, the name of an installed problem, or the path to a problem spec file. Defaults to using an already existing project config.
--generator / -g
--solver / -s
--language / -l
Specifies what language template to use for the generator, solver, or both. You cannot specify both --language and either one of the other two options. Can be one of the names of language templates supported by Algobattle. Uses the defaults set in the CLI config (which defaults to plain).
Language list

The full list of languages template names is:

  • python
  • rust
  • c
  • cpp
  • csharp
  • javascript
  • typescript
  • java
  • go
--schemas / --no-schemas
Whether to also include the problem I/O json schemas in the schemas subdirectory. Defaults to False.


This runs a basic test checking whether the programs in a project build and run correctly.

Path to the Algobattle project to test. Can either point directly to a project config file, or to a folder containing one called algobattle.toml. Defaults to the current working directory.
Will be passed to the generator as it's max_size. Defaults to the problem's minimum size.


Opens the CLI config file. Accepts no arguments.1

package problem

Packages the problem in the project folder into a .algo file.

Path to the Algobattle project containing the problem. Can either point directly to a project config file, or to a folder containing one called algobattle.toml. Defaults to the current working directory.
Path to a file containing a human-readable description of the problem. Defaults to one called description (with any extension) in the project's directory.
--out / -o
Location where the packaged .algo file will be placed. Defaults to a file named after the problem in the project's directory.

package programs

Packages the programs of a particular team into .prog files. These files can be used to easily share programs, or upload them to the Algobattle website.

Keep program sizes down

Algobattle will package everything in the program directories into a zip file. This may include unnecessary build artefacts, logs, program output, etc. It's best to remove any superfluous files (in particular, anything in your .gitignore) from the directories before running this command.

Path to the Algobattle project containing the programs. Can either point directly to a project config file, or to a folder containing one called algobattle.toml. Defaults to the current working directory.
Name of the team whose programs should be packaged. If there is only one team in this project, it will be selected by default.
--generator and --solver
Whether to package this particular program. Defaults to True.
--test / --no-test
Whether to test the programs before packaging them to make sure that they are building and running correctly. Defaults to True.